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Granins as disease-biomarkers: Translational potential for psychiatric
and neurological disorders
A. Bartolomuccia,

Accepted 23 June 2010.
Available online 1 July
The identification of biomarkers represents a fundamental medical advance that can lead to an improved understanding of disease pathogenesis, and holds the potential to define surrogate diagnostic and prognostic endpoints. Because of the inherent difficulties in assessing brain function in patients and objectively identifying neurological and cognitive/emotional symptoms, future application of biomarkers to neurological and psychiatric disorders is extremely desirable. This article discusses the biomarker potential of the granin family, a group of acidic proteins present in the secretory granules of a wide variety of endocrine, neuronal and neuroendocrine cells: chromogranin A (CgA), CgB, Secretogranin II (SgII), SgIII, HISL-19 antigen, 7B2, NESP55, VGF and ProSAAS. Their relative abundance, functional significance, and secretion into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), saliva, and the general circulation have made granins tractable targets as biomarkers for many diseases of neuronal and endocrine origin, recently impacting diagnosis of a number of neurological and psychiatric disorders including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and schizophrenia. Although research has not yet validated the clinical utility of granins as surrogate endpoints for the progression or treatment of neurological or psychiatric disease, a growing body of experimental evidence indicates that the use of granins as biomarkers might be of great potential clinical interest. Advances that further elucidate the mechanism(s) of action of granins, coupled with improvements in biomarker technology and direct clinical application, should increase the translational effectiveness of this family of proteins in disease diagnosis and drug discovery.
Key words: •••
Abbreviations: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
CgA, chromogranin A; CgB, chromogranin B; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; MS,
multiple sclerosis; SgII, secretogranin II
Article Outline
- Clinical, relevance of disease biomarkers
- The granin family
- Granins as biomarkers for neurological and psychiatric disorders
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Multiple sclerosis
- Alzheimer's disease, pick's disease and frontotemporal dementia
- Schizophrenia
- Future of granins as diagnostic tools and targets in drug discovery and development
- References
Clinical, relevance of disease biomarkers
Biological markers (also called biomarkers) are characteristics that are objectively measured and evaluated as indicators of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacologic responses to therapeutic intervention. The identification of biomarkers represents a fundamental advance in medicine that may lead to improved understanding of disease pathogenesis and holds the potential to define surrogate diagnostic and prognostic endpoints (Biomarkers Definitions Working Group, 2001). The requirements for a useful disease biomarker are that its level can be unambiguously determined with high reproducibility and that its presence (or level) could distinguish ill from healthy persons. Classical examples include the use of increased blood glucose levels to make a diagnosis of diabetes while their decline identifies treatment efficacy. Biomarkers could be of great potential utility for neurological and psychiatric disorders because of inherent difficulties assessing brain function and structure in patients and objectively identifying neurological and cognitive/emotional symptoms. The utility of the biomarker approach is well described for Alzheimer's disease. Its key diagnostic markers, that is the presence of plaques of aggregated beta-amyloid and hyperphosphorylated tau proteins, can only be retrospectively assessed in post-mortem brain. Indeed, an ongoing program showed the diagnostic utility of altered truncated β-amyloid or tau in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or plasma (Blennow et al., 2006).The granin family
The granin family includes chromogranins, secretogranins and additional related acidic proteins, sharing phylogenetically well-conserved domains within the primary structure ([Benedum et al., 1987] and [Eiden, 1987]), which are present in the secretory granules of a wide variety of endocrine, neuronal and neuroendocrine cells: Chromogranin A (CgA), Chromogranin B (CgB), Secretogranin II (SgII), Secretogranin III (SgIII), HISL-19 antigen (SgIV), 7B2 (SgV), NESP55 (SgVI), VGF (SgVII) and ProSAAS (SgVIII)1. The chromogranin and secretogranin proteins share many properties, including acidic pI, binding to calcium, the presence of multiple dibasic cleavage sites, and the propensity to form aggregates, that are summarized in Table 1 and several excellent reviews ([Helle, 2004] and [Taupenot et al., 2003]). Granins are ubiquitous in secretory cells of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, where they regulate a number of cellular functions including protein sorting, granulogenesis, and prohormone convertase (PC) activity, as well as preventing uncontrolled osmotic swelling of secretory vesicles that contain
Table 1. Structural characteristics of granin family
of mature human granin family proteins, obtained from the NCBI and
Swiss protein databases, were analyzed using MacVector. Molecular weight
(Mr), isoelectric point (pIcalc), number of paired basic amino acid
residues that are potential proprotein convertase cleavage sites, and
amino acid number, were determined. Experimentally-obtained pI values
were previously referenced (Helle, 2004), for human (h),
bovine (b), murine (m), and porcine (p) granin proteins.
Granin protein | Amino acids (mature human protein) | Mr calc (kDa) | pIcalc/pImeas | Paired basic amino acids |
CgA | 439 | 49,156 | 4.45/4.9h | 9 |
CgB | 657 | 76,329 | 4.83/5.2h | 16 |
SgII | 587 | 67,752 | 4.48/5.0b | 9 |
SgIII | 449 | 50,989 | 4.75/5.1m | 6 |
7B2 (SgV) | 186 (i-1) | 20,788 | 6.06/5.0p | 4 |
185 (i-2) | 20,717 | |||
NESP55 (SgVI) | 245 | 28,827 | 5.22/5.0b | 9 |
VGF (SgVII) | 593 | 64,996 | 4.53/ND | 10 |
pro-SAAS (SgVIII) | 227 | 24,033 | 5.46/ND | 6 |
CgA was the first granin to be isolated and was characterized as an acidic protein co-stored and co-released with the catecholamine hormones from the bovine adrenal medulla (Banks and Helle, 1965). CgB was first identified as a tyrosine-sulfated protein from rat PC12 cells, and was later renamed after being detected as a conspicuous component of the bovine adrenal medulla (Eiden et al., 1987). Although CgA and CgB are products of different genes, analyses of their primary structure and gene organization have revealed a closer relationship between these two genes/proteins. CgA and CgB are considered granulogenic proteins that play a prominent role in dense-core granule biogenesis and as chaperones for sorting to the regulated secretory pathway in endocrine cells ([Courel et al., 2006] and [Koshimizu et al., 2010]). Both CgA and CgB are also considered prohormones. In the trans-Golgi network and secretory granule, they aggregate in the presence of calcium and decreasing pH. Within the granule, a fraction of CgA and CgB is processed to bioactive peptides, including Vasostatin I and II, pancreastatin, cestatin and serpin for CgA and CgB1–41 and secretolytin for CgB (reviewed in [Taupenot et al., 2003] and [Helle, 2004]). The best characterized receptor-mediated effect for the entire granin family is the association of the CgA-peptide catestatin with the nicotinic cholinergic receptor. Upon co-release of catestatin with norepinephrine, catestatin inhibits nicotinic cholinergic receptor responses, thereby exerting a negative feedback on catecholamine release (Mahata et al., 1997).
SgII was initially discovered in the bovine anterior pituitary (Rosa and Zanini, 1981) and investigated as a model protein to characterize mechanisms involving biogenesis of large dense core vesicles and sorting of secretory proteins to the regulated pathway (Fischer-Colbrie et al., 1995). The widespread distribution of SgII throughout the endocrine and nervous system is comparable and overlapping to that of CgA and CgB (Winkler and Fischer-Colbrie, 1992). Upon processing by PCs, SgII releases several bioactive peptides including secretoneurin (Kirchmair et al., 1993) and manserin (Yajima et al., 2004).
The Vgf gene, originally identified as a nerve growth factor responsive gene (Levi et al., 1985), has a tissue-specific pattern of expression limited to neurons within the central and peripheral nervous systems and to various endocrine cells ([Salton et al., 1991], [Salton et al., 2000], [Snyder and Salton, 1998] and [Ferri and Possenti, 1996]). The VGF gene encodes a 617 amino acid protein in rodents (615 in humans) that is stored in dense core granules and processed to yield a number of peptides ([Salton et al., 1991], [Trani et al., 1995], [Ferri and Possenti, 1996] and [Levi et al., 2004]). More than 10 different VGF-derived peptides have been detected to date, exerting a variety of functions including regulation of energy balance, pain modulation, sexual behaviour and gut contraction (e.g. [Bartolomucci et al., 2006], [Bartolomucci et al., 2007], [Yamaguchi et al., 2007] and [Severini et al., 2009]. For reviews, [Levi et al., 2004] and [Toshinai and Nakazato, 2009]).
Overall, diverse biological activities of specific granin-derived peptides have been identified, including pro-hormone convertase inhibition, regulation of pro-hormone convertase folding/sorting, hormone and neurotransmitter release (insulin, PTH, vasopressin, catecholamines), neuronal excitability, and smooth muscle and vascular contractility. As a consequence, granin-derived peptides have been investigated in several pathological contexts including in neurological, neoplastic, metabolic and mood disorders (Taupenot et al., 2003). More recently, their relative abundance, functional significance, and secretion into the CSF, saliva, and the general circulation have made granin peptides tractable targets as biomarkers for many diseases of neuronal and endocrine origin.
Granins as biomarkers for neurological and psychiatric disorders
The potential utility of granins as biomarkers of neurological and psychiatric disorders has only recently been established, impacting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer's disease, frontotemporal dementia, and schizophrenia. The earliest proteomic studies mainly focused on CgA, while recent data address a prominent role for CgB, SgII and VGF (see [Fig. 1] and [Fig. 2]). Because of the relative novelty of this field, a cautionary note should be raised to highlight that most of the studies reviewed here, with a few notable exceptions, have relatively small sample sizes, and the differences measured in granin protein or granin peptide fragment levels between patients and controls is often small. Perhaps as a consequence, many results have not always been confirmed in follow-up studies.![]() | Full-size image
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Fig. 1. Chromogranin A (CgA), chromogranin B (CgB), and secretogranin II (SgII) as disease biomarkers. A subset of peptides cleaved from CgA, CgB, and SgII are indicated by the red rectangles below each mature human granin protein. Biomarker peptide fragments isolated from CSF (green rectangles) and antibodies made to granin peptides or fragments (green elipses), shown above the granin proteins, were used to characterize the following diseases: Alzheimer's disease (AD), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Frontal Temporal Dementia (FTD), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Pick's Disease, and Schizophrenia (SCZ). For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.
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Fig. 2. VGF-derived peptides/fragments associated with disease in humans or in animal models. VGF fragments (in green) are increasingly recognized as disease biomarkers in humans, while several biologically active peptides (in red) have been identified in rats/mice. Peptides are indicated according to nomenclature indicated in Table 2. Protein sequences can be found at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein. For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a form of progressive, fatal, neurodegenerative disease caused by the degeneration of motor neurons, occurring in familial (less that 10%) or sporadic forms. The etiology remains unclear, although a mutation in the gene encoding SOD1 has been observed in 20% of familial cases (Rosen et al., 1993). More recently gene-association studies have established an array of new candidate loci which might elucidate the pathogenesis of this devastating neurological disorder (e.g. [Greenway et al., 2006], [Sreedharan et al., 2008] and [Maruyama et al., 2010]).A mutant variant (P413L) in the CgB gene of ALS patients has recently been identified (Gros-Louis et al., 2009). The P413L mutation was present in 10% of ALS patients (n=751, including both sporadic and familial forms of ALS) as compared to 4.5% in healthy individuals (n=705). In particular, individuals carriers of the P413L gene variant in a sample of French/French-Canadian origin (n=289) showed a higher prevalence of the mutation (17%) and relative 3.3-fold higher risk to develop ALS. In a cross-validation study in a Swedish population, although the P413L mutation showed a lower prevalence (5.2%), it still conferred a 1.5 fold higher relative risk to develop ALS. Interestingly, the P413L mutation lowered age at disease onset from 62 to 55 years in sporadic ALS, and from 55 to 43 years in familial ALS patients (Gros-Louis et al., 2009). It is predicted that the P413L variant may affect protein structure but the biological mechanism responsible for the higher risk to develop ALS has not been identified so far. However, the same research group also recently demonstrated in vitro and in vivo in mouse models of ALS, that CgA and CgB interact with and determine the secretion of mutant but not wild-type SOD1 protein which, in turn, may trigger microgliosis and neuronal death (Urushitani et al., 2006).
Earlier immunohistochemical studies identified an aberrant CgA pattern in ALS patients ([Schiffer et al., 1995] and [Yasuhara et al., 1994]). These findings were recently replicated and extended to identify lower CgA (−44%), CgB (−27%) and SgII (−44%) levels and an association with SOD1-positive intracellular aggregates in motor neurons of a relatively small sample (n=8) of ALS patients when compared with controls (Schrott-Fischer et al., 2009). In addition, salivary CgA is increased by

In conclusion, genetic and proteomic studies suggest both a potential role for granins in ALS and future clinical applications of granin biomarkers.
Table 2. VGF-derived
peptides/fragments associated with disease in humans or in animal
growing body of clinical and preclinical evidence links VGF-derived
peptides in preclinical models and VGF-fragments in human with
depression, anxiety, neuropathic and inflammatory pain, and obesity.
Disease | Peptide/fragment aa residue (species) | Effect | Stage | Reference |
Neurological disease | ||||
Alzheimer's disease | 378–397 (human) | Decreased in patient's CSF | Identified as potential biomarker | Carrette et al., 2003 |
Fragment not specified (human) | Decreased in patient's CSF | Identified as potential biomarker | Simonsen et al., 2007 | |
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
| Decreased in patient's CSF | Identified as potential biomarker | Pasinetti et al., 2006 |
Entire pro-peptide (mouse) | Decreased in CSF, serum and motor neurons | Pre-clinical | Zhao et al., 2008 | |
Frontotemporal dementia | 26–62 (human) | Decreased in patient's CSF | Identified as potential biomarker | Rüetschi et al., 2005 |
Pain | TLQP-21 556–576 (mouse) | Hyperalgesia (peripheral) analgesia (icv) | Pre-clinical | Rizzi et al., 2008 |
TLQP-62 556–617 (mouse, rat) | Allodynia | Pre-clinical | Moss et al., 2008 | |
AQEE-30 588–617 (mouse, rat) | Hyperalgesia | Pre-clinical | Riedl et al., 2009 | |
LQEQ-19 598–617 (mouse, rat) | Hyperalgesia | Pre-clinical | Riedl et al., 2009 | |
Psychiatric disease | ||||
Schizophrenia/depression | 23–62 (human) | Increased in patient's CSF | Identified as potential biomarker | [Huang et al., 2006] and [Huang et al., 2007] |
Depression | TLQP-62,556–617 (mouse, rat) | Antidepressant-like effect | Pre-clinical | Thakker-Varia et al., 2007 |
Depression/anxiety | AQEE-30 588–617 (mouse, rat) | Antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like effects | Pre-clinical | Hunsberger et al., 2007 |
Other disease | ||||
Obesity/eating disorders | TLQP-21 556–576 (mouse, hamster) | Limits diet induced obesity (mice, hamster) anorexia (hamster) | Pre-clinical | Bartolomucci et al., 2006 |
NERP2 313–350 (rat) | Enhance food intake in an orexin-dependent manner | Pre-clinical | Toshinai et al., in press | |
TLQP-62 and HHPD-41 55–617 and 577–617 (mouse) | Enhanced food intake | Pre-clinical | Unpublished, referred to by Bartolomucci et al., 2007 |
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological disease characterized by a combination of inflammation, demyelination and axonal damage. Mattsson and colleagues (2007) identified decreased level of CgB306–365 (−16%) and CgB441–493 (−16%) fragments and of the SgII peptide secretoneurin (−15%) in the CSF of MS patients (n=46) compared to healthy siblings (n=46) and non-related controls (n=50). In contrast, the CgA194–213 fragment was increased in the CSF of MS patients when compared to patients suffering from other neurological diseases that lack an inflammatory component ([Stoop et al., 2008] and [Stoop et al., 2009]). Although healthy controls were not included in the latter study, it is of potential clinical relevance that CgA could not differentiate between MS patients and patients suffering from other inflammatory neurological diseases, which may imply that CgA is also a marker of non-specific inflammation (Stoop et al., 2008). Finally, Stoop and coworkers (2009) also report that another granin, the 7B2125–142 fragment, was increased in patients affected by neurological disease of inflammatory origin compared to clinically isolated syndromes of demyelination.Alzheimer's disease, pick's disease and frontotemporal dementia
Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease and frontotemporal dementia are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by different pathogenic mechanisms which encompass aggregates of straight filaments composed of hyperphosphorylated tau proteins or other proteins such as amyloid beta. Collectively these pathologies can be referred to as tauopathies (Lee et al., 2001). In addition to neurological, psychiatric and clinical diagnoses, altered levels of tau and amyloid fragments in CSF are routinely used for diagnostic purposes, although their diagnostic performance is not optimal with regard to specificity ([Blennow et al., 2006] and [Sonnen et al., 2008]). Several studies identified increased CgA, SgII and ProSAAS, in post-mortem filament aggregates in tauopathies ([Weiler et al., 1990], [Munoz, 1991], [Kikuchi et al., 2003], [Wada et al., 2004] and [Lechner et al., 2004]), and one proteomic study identified a decreased CgA level in the CSF of canonical but not late onset Type II (Kamboh, 2004) Alzheimer's disease patients (Blennow et al., 1995, but see O'Connor et al., 1993). More recently, several proteomic studies have confirmed the potential utility of granin fragments as candidate diagnostic biomarkers for tauopathies. Simonsen et al. (2007) reported a decreased level of CgA peptide vasostatin II, and a decrease in a non specified fragment of the VGF propeptide in a cohort (n=85) of AD patients compared to patients suffering from frontotemporal dementia (n=20) and healthy controls (n=32). The VGF378–397 fragment was slightly but significantly decreased (
Schizophrenia is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality, often manifested by auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions. Schizophrenia is so far the only psychiatric disease for which granins have been established as candidate genes for susceptibility ([Kitao et al., 2000], [Iijima et al., 2004] and [Takahashi et al., 2006]) and consistently investigated as potential disease biomarkers. Earlier studies showed no major change in CSF CgA, CgB and SgII content ([van Kammen et al., 1991], [Landén et al., 1999a] and [Miller et al., 1996]). At variance, Miller et al. (1996) demonstrated a significant increase in CgA/secretoneurin ratio; van Kammen et al. (1991) described a negative correlation between CgA, negative symptoms and ventricle–brain ratio in schizophrenic patient; Landén et al. (1999b) showed a reduction of CgA, CgB but not SgII in the CSF of schizophrenic patients; a post mortem investigation showed lower CgB-immunoreactivity in several subregions of the hippocampus (Nowakowski et al., 2002). Overall, published studies are inconsistent in their support of an association between CgA, CgB or SgII and schizophrenia. In contrast, increased CSF content of VGF23–62 fragment was recently reported in first onset drug naive schizophrenic patients (Huang et al., 2006). This important study having a relatively large sample size (n=58 schizophrenic and n=90 controls), cross validation groups (n=17 schizophrenic and n=40 controls) and disease specificity analysis (depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and Alzheimer's disease) showed a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 95% for schizophrenia. In addition: (1) VGF23–62 was consistently increased in two independent groups of schizophrenic patients (
In conclusion, proteomic studies showed that CgA, CgB and SgII did not strongly associate with schizophrenia while a VGF fragment was increased when compared to healthy controls and could be considered a reliable biomarker for future validating studies and in a larger sample of schizophrenic patients.
Future of granins as diagnostic tools and targets in drug discovery and development
Although research has not yet validated the clinical utility of granins as surrogate endpoints for neurological or psychiatric disease, a growing body of experimental evidence strongly suggests that granin biomarkers might soon stimulate more widespread clinical interest. While the majority of proteomic studies with potential clinical relevance have thus far investigated the classical granin proteins CgA and CgB, VGF is emerging as a key potential diagnostic biomarker in a number of neurological and psychiatric diseases.Forty-five years after the identification of the first granin protein, CgA, the widespread utility of granins as disease biomarkers has been established for neuroendocrine tumors ([Conlon , in press] and [Harsha et al., 2009]). Concurrently, CgA-derived peptides are in an advanced stage of development as diagnostic biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and essential hypertension ([Sahu et al., 2010] and [Helle, 2010]). A patent watch (performed using http://v3.espacenet.com/) returned two patents on CgA relevant to the present discussion. Patent WO2008085035, filed by the University Erasmus Medical Center of Utrecht, The Netherlands, describes the diagnostic utility of CgA as a biomarker in multiple sclerosis. Similarly, the Beijing Chemclin Biotech Company Ltd. has filed a patent describing a CgA chemiluminescent quantitative detection kit with potential applications in the clinic (CN101377513). The utility of granin biomarkers as diagnostic tools for life threatening and widespread neurological and psychiatric disease necessitates their objective validation by larger scale testing, and in many cases is dependent on the development and application of specific immunological reagents and protein/peptide analytical techniques. Advances that further elucidate the mechanism(s) of action of granins and granin-derived peptides, coupled with improvements in biomarker technology and direct clinical application, should broaden the future utility of this family of proteins in disease diagnosis and drug discovery.
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1 Present address: Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
1 Throughout the text we refer to the proteins by their published names. We note here as well the secretogranin nomenclature (SgX) introduced by Helle (2004) to convey the notion that they are a structurally and functionally related class of proteins.
2 Internal fragments of a protein are conventionally identified with the amino acid position number (first and last) in the propeptide sequence, which can be found for most proteins in the NIH database accessible via web at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein.
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Non-competitive nicotinic cholinergic antagonist that selectively inhibits nicotinic-stimulated catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells and noradrenergic neurons (IC50 ~ 200 nM). It blocks nicotinic-induced cationic signaling (IC50 ~ 200 - 250 nM) and inhibits nicotinic-agonist induced desensitization of catecholamine release, Catestatin