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Friday, October 21, 2011
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Nature | Letter
Mutations of optineurin in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has
its onset in middle age and is a progressive disorder characterized by
degeneration of motor neurons of the primary motor cortex, brainstem and
spinal cord1. Most cases of ALS are
sporadic, but about 10% are familial. Genes known to cause classic
familial ALS (FALS) are superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1)2, ANG encoding
angiogenin3, TARDP encoding transactive
response (TAR) DNA-binding protein TDP-43 (ref. 4) and fused in sarcoma/translated in liposarcoma (FUS,
also known as TLS)5, 6. However, these genetic
defects occur in only about 20–30% of cases of FALS, and most genes
causing FALS are unknown. Here we show that there are mutations in the
gene encoding optineurin (OPTN), earlier reported to be a
causative gene of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)7, in patients with ALS. We found three types
of mutation of OPTN: a homozygous deletion of exon 5, a
homozygous Q398X nonsense mutation and a heterozygous E478G missense
mutation within its ubiquitin-binding domain. Analysis of cell
transfection showed that the nonsense and missense mutations of OPTN
abolished the inhibition of activation of nuclear factor kappa B
(NF-κB), and the E478G mutation revealed a cytoplasmic distribution
different from that of the wild type or a POAG mutation. A case with the
E478G mutation showed OPTN-immunoreactive cytoplasmic inclusions.
Furthermore, TDP-43- or SOD1-positive inclusions of sporadic and SOD1
cases of ALS were also noticeably immunolabelled by anti-OPTN
antibodies. Our findings strongly suggest that OPTN is involved in the
pathogenesis of ALS. They also indicate that NF-κB inhibitors could be
used to treat ALS and that transgenic mice bearing various mutations of OPTN
will be relevant in developing new drugs for this disorder.
We analysed six Japanese individuals from consanguineous
marriages who had ALS; two of them were siblings, the others were from
independent families. We used homozygosity mapping, which has been shown
to identify a locus of a disease-causing gene from as few as three
individuals8. We performed a genome-wide
scan of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by using the GeneChip
Human Mapping 500K Array Set (Affymetrix), and selected for the run of
homozygous SNPs (RHSs) more than 3centimorgans
in length. Under this condition, the RHSs are able to retrieve more
than 98% of the entire length of the autozygous segments created as a
result of a first-cousin or second-cousin marriage (Supplementary
Information)8. We extracted RHSs of six
individuals (Supplementary
Fig. 1a). A region (hg18: 12,644,480–15,110,539) in chromosome 10,
which was an overlap among four subjects, was chosen as the primary
candidate region (Supplementary
Fig. 1b). Assuming that subjects ii, iii, v and vi had the same
disease gene, the chance that the overlap had the disease gene was Pii+iii+v+vi
= 0.935 (Supplementary
Information). We listed up to 17 candidate genes in the region and
sequenced their exons (Supplementary
Fig. 1c). We detected a deletion of exon 5 in the OPTN (also
known as FIP-2 (ref. 9)) gene in
two siblings (Fig.
1a, family 1, subjects 1 and 2). PCR with a forward primer of exon 4
and a reverse primer of intron 5 revealed a 2.5-kilobase (kb) band in
the control, V-3 and IV-1, and a 0.7-kb band in IV-1, subject 1 and
subject 2 (Fig.
1b). Direct sequence analysis of the short band showed the joining
of the 5′ part of AluJb in intron 4 and the 3′ part of AluSx in intron 5
with 12-base-pair (bp) microhomology (Fig.
1c). Thus, the deletion resulted from Alu-mediated recombination.
We also found a homozygous nonsense c.1502C>T mutation (Q398X, exon
12) in the gene in one individual with ALS (Fig.
1d, e, family 2, subject 3). For the other three subjects, we found
neither mutations nor copy number changes in the OPTN gene,
although we did not completely exclude the possibility of mutations in
introns or intergenic regions in the gene. We extended our analysis of OPTN
to ten additional individuals from consanguineous marriages who had
ALS, 76 individuals with familial ALS and 597 individuals with sporadic
ALS (SALS). We found the Q398X mutation in a sporadic individual
(subject 4, family 3; Fig.
1d). Subjects 3 and 4, who were not related according to their
family history, shared their haplotype for a 0.9-megabase (Mb) region
(hg18: chr10: 12,973,261–13,879,735) containing the OPTN gene (Supplementary
Table 1). We investigated a total of 170 copies of chromosome 10
from 85 Japanese subjects genotyped for the HapMap3 project, and found
that the incidental length of haplotype sharing around OPTN gene
was at most 320kb.
Given that a haplotype sharing of 0.9Mb
rarely occurs by chance, the mutation is likely to have been derived
from a single ancestor (Supplementary
Fig. 1d). Subjects 1 and 2 shared their haplotype for an 8.3-Mb
region (hg18: chr10: 6,815,934–14,842,351), which contained the OPTN
gene and was different from that in subjects 3 and 4 (Supplementary
Table 1).
Figure 1: Exon 5 deletion, nonsense and missense mutations of the
OPTN gene.
a, Family 1. The filled circle or
square indicate the affected individuals; the arrows indicate the
probands. b, Agarose gel electrophoretogram. Subject 1 (V-1) and
subject 2 (V-2) showed lack of exon 5 PCR product and shortened product
of exon 4 to intron 5. c, Chromatogram with OPTN deletion of exon
5 and schematic structure of deleted gene. d, Families 2 and 3.
Dots indicate heterozygous carriers. e, Chromatograms from index
subjects with OPTN mutation of c.1502 C>T. Homozygous mutation is in
red, and the mutation is indicated by using the single-letter amino-acid
code. f, Family 4. *DNA sample could not be obtained. Numerals
show the age at death. g, Chromatograms from index subjects with
the OPTN mutation of c.1743A>G. The heterozygous mutation is marked
by the square.
In the screening of ALS families, we identified a heterozygous
missense mutation (c1743A>G, E478G, exon14, Fig.
1g) of OPTN in four individuals with ALS in two families
with ALS. Subjects 5 and 6 were sisters, and the pedigree suggests that
the mutation had an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance (Fig.
1f, family 4). Subjects 7 and 8 (family 5) were brothers. Although
these families are not related according to their family history,
subjects 5–8 shared their haplotype for 2.3Mb (hg18: chr10: 11,460,985–13,703,017, Supplementary
Table 3), again suggesting that the mutation was derived from a
single ancestor. Indeed, the Q398X nonsense and E478G missense mutations
were not observed in 781 healthy Japanese volunteers as well as in over
6,800 (including 1,728 Japanese) individuals in the glaucoma studies,
where the entire coding region of the gene was investigated (Supplementary
Table 2). Collectively, the mutation was absent over a total of
5,000 Japanese chromosomes. The deletion mutation was also absent in 200
Japanese, and not reported in the over 6,800 glaucoma individuals. The
co-segregation of three different mutations of OPTN with the ALS
phenotype strongly suggests that some mutations of OPTN cause
The eight individuals with mutations of OPTN showed
onset from 30 to 60 years of age. Most of them showed a relatively slow
progression and long duration before respiratory failure, although the
clinical phenotypes were not homogeneous (see Supplementary
The Q398X mutation causes a premature stop
during translation, truncating the 577 amino-acid OPTN protein to one of
397 amino acids in length. This truncation results in a deletion of the
coiled coil 2 domain10,
which is necessary for binding to ubiquitin11, huntingtin12 (htt), myosin
VI13 and the
ubiquitinated receptor-interacting protein14. In the gene with the deletion of exon 5,
if there was a transcript, the transcript splicing from exon 4 to exon 6
would cause a frame shift and make a stop codon (TGA in the ninth to
eleventh codons in exon 6), which would be expected to translate a
peptide 58 amino acids in length. The missense mutation (E478G) was
located between coiled coil 2 domain and the leucine zipper domain. This
glutamic acid is highly conserved among OPTN proteins of a wide range
of species (Supplementary
Fig. 2a), and is situated within the DFxxER motif, an
ubiquitin-binding domain shared among OPTN, NF-κB essential molecule
(NEMO), and A20 binding and inhibitor of NF-κB proteins (ABIN) (Supplementary
Fig. 2b). The mutations in the DFxxER motif in ABIN reduce the
binding to ubiquitin, which render them unable to inhibit NF-κB
activation11. We investigated the ability of various
mutations of OPTN to inhibit NF-κB-mediated transcriptional
activation by performing a luciferase assay using NSC-34 cells (a mouse
neuroblastoma and spinal-cord hybrid cell line) transfected with
wild-type or mutant OPTN. E50K OPTN, which causes POAG7, downregulated the NF-κB activity, as did
the wild type. On the other hand, both Q398X and E478G had no ability to
inhibit NF-κB activity (Tukey–Kramer, P<0.05).
These tendencies were retained after stimulation with tumour-necrosis
factor (TNF)-α (Fig.
2A). We also examined the subcellular localization of overexpressed
Flag-tagged wild-type OPTN (wild type) and its mutants in cells (Fig.
2B). Immunofluorescence staining was performed with their
antibodies against Flag and the Golgi matrix marker GM130. Confocal
images showed close apposition of granular signals of wild-type OPTN or
E50K with GM130 (see g and i in Fig.
2B)15, 16.
E50K often shapes large granular structures near the Golgi apparatus.
E478G rarely showed granular signals (see b in Fig.
2B); however, when closely observed, some of the signals were still
closely localized to GM130 (see h in Fig.
2B). Western blotting using a lysate of transformed lymphoblasts
showed that the 74-kDa band, corresponding to OPTN, was absent in
subjects 3 and 4, but was present in the non-diseased mother and brother
of subject 3 (Supplementary
Fig. 3a). Quantitative PCR with reverse transcription revealed that
the products were diminished to 58.0% in the heterozygote (III-2) and
to 13.8% in the homozygote (subject 4) compared with the control levels (Supplementary
Fig. 3b). In addition, cycloheximide recovered the decrease in the
OPTN messenger RNA (mRNA) with the mutation (Supplementary
Fig. 3c). Thus mRNA with this mutation, which bears a premature
termination, might be degraded through nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in
Figure 2: Influence of OPTN mutations.
A, Luciferase assay to assess the
ability of various OPTNs to inhibit activation of NF-κB. The wild type
and E50K have a similar NF-κB activation-inhibiting effect, whereas
mock, Q398X and E478G types lack this effect. Error bars, standard
deviations of triplicate assays. B, Localization of OPTN. Flag is
the white signals in a–c and red signals in g–i. GM130 is the white
signals in d–f and green signals in g–i. The wild type shows many
fluorescent granules closely localized with the Golgi apparatus. E478G
OPTN shows a reduced number of granules, and rarely co-localized with
the Golgi apparatus. E50K OPTN granules have become large and closely
localized with the Golgi apparatus. Scale bar, 10μm.
The spinal cord from subject 5 with the E478G mutation revealed loss
of myelin from the corticospinal tract and of the anterior horn cells
(AHCs, Fig.
3a and Supplementary
Fig. 4a, b). OPTN immunohistochemistry demonstrated increased
staining intensity of the cytoplasm of the remaining AHCs and the
neurites in the anterior horn (Supplementary
Fig. 4c). Higher magnification of the motor neurons revealed
intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions (Fig.
3b, d). Intriguingly, these inclusions were distinctly
immunopositive for OPTN (Fig.
3c, e). On the other hand, the cytoplasm of AHCs from control
individuals was faintly labelled with anti-OPTN antibodies (Supplementary
Fig. 5a, c), similar to the spinal-cord AHCs of mice (Supplementary
Fig. 6b) and in contrast to the highly labelled sensory neurons in
the dorsal root ganglia of mice (Supplementary
Fig. 6d). In patients with sporadic ALS, the staining intensity for
OPTN apparently increased not only in the cytoplasm of the remaining
AHCs but also in their neurites (Supplementary
Fig. 5b, d). In addition, distinctive intracytoplasmic inclusions
were also noticeably OPTN immunolabelled in cases of sporadic and
familial ALS; eosinophilic round hyaline inclusions from patients with
SALS were immunopositive for OPTN (Fig.
3f, g, i, j). Re-staining of the same sections for ubiquitin, a
known constituent of many neurodegenerative inclusions, revealed that
these inclusions were also positive and faithfully matched the
distribution of OPTN immunoreactivity (Fig.
3h, k). The anti-OPTN antibodies also stained skein-like inclusions
3l, n), which were again mirrored with the anti-ubiquitin
antibodies (Fig.
3m) and with the anti-TDP-43 antibodies (Fig.
3o). The distinct OPTN immunoreactivity of ubiquitin- and
TDP-43-positive intracytoplasmic inclusions was confirmed on serial
sections from patients with SALS (Supplementary
Fig. 7). Moreover, SOD1-immunopositive Lewy-body-like hyaline
inclusions from cases with SOD1 FALS were also immunopositive for
OPTN (Fig.
3p–r). We found that OPTN antibody labelled both SOD1- and
TDP-43-positive inclusions. As the staining of SOD1 and TDP-43 is
generally mutually exclusive, OPTN staining appears to be a more general
marker for inclusions in various types of ALS; therefore, the OPTN
molecule might also be involved in a broader pathogenesis of ALS.
Figure 3: Identification of OPTN in distinctive intracytoplasmic
inclusions of subjects with ALS.
a–e, Neuropathology of the
lumbar spinal cord from subject 5. Klüver-Barrera (a) show loss
of myelin from the corticospinal tract (arrow) and loss of motor neurons
from the anterior horn (arrowhead). The cytoplasm of the remaining
motor neurons contains an amorphous eosinophilic region (b,
arrow). H&E, haematoxylin and eosin. The same neuron was re-stained
with the anti-OPTN antibody (c, arrow). The eosinophilic
retention occasionally appears to form a hyaline inclusion (d,
arrow), which is intensely immunolabelled with the anti-OPTN antibody (e,
arrow). f–k, Round hyaline inclusions of subjects with
SALS (f, i) are immunolabelled with anti-OPTN-C and
anti-OPTN-I antibodies (g and j, respectively). The
sections were re-stained with anti-ubiquitin (Ub) antibodies (h, k).
l–o, Skein-like inclusions of patients with SALS are
reactive with the anti-OPTN-I and anti-OPTN-C antibodies (l, n).
Re-staining of l with the anti-ubiquitin antibody (m) and
n with anti-TDP-43 antibody (o). p–r,
Lewy-body-like hyaline inclusion of a patient with FALS, stained with
haematoxylin and eosin (p), anti-OPTN-C antibody (q) and
SOD1 antibody (r). Scale bars, 200µm (a), 20µm (b–p).
The mutations of the OPTN gene cause both recessive and
dominant traits, and the mechanism causing the disease may be different
between the two traits. The Q398X nonsense mutation and probably the
exon 5 deletion mutation cause a decrease in OPTN expression resulting
from nonsense-mediated mRNA decay of the transcript carrying the
nonsense OPTN mutations. Therefore, the mutated OPTN protein by itself
is unlikely to disturb cell function or to be included in the inclusion
body in the motor neuron cells. The mechanism of recessive mutations
causing ALS is expected to be simply loss of function, and the
heterozygote for the Q398X mutation does not develop the ALS phenotype.
On the other hand, the E478G missense mutation increased the
immunoreactivity for OPTN in the cell body and the neurites. The
increased amount and different distribution of the mutated protein would
disturb neuronal functions, and may accelerate the inclusion body
formation as well as the increase and the different distribution of OPTN
immunoreactivity in sporadic ALS. Thus the heterozygote for the E478G
mutation will develop the disease.
The different impact on NF-κB
signalling and the different intracellular localization of ALS- and
POAG-linked mutated protein may explain the phenotypic divergence
between the two diseases. Subject 3 with homozygotic Q398X also showed
POAG, whereas subject 4 with the same mutation, and subjects 1 and 2
with the exon 5 deletion, did not show it. The prevalence of POAG in the
population older than 40 years is 3.9% in Japan17.Considering this information, the ALS and
glaucoma in subject 3 may accidentally coexist.
OPTN competes with
NEMO for binding to the ubiquitinated receptor-interacting protein and
negatively regulates TNF-α-induced activation of
NF-κB14, which mediates an upregulation of OPTN,
creating a negative feedback loop18. ALS-related OPTN
mutations lacked the inhibitory effect towards NEMO, and thus
exaggerated NF-κB activation. In sporadic ALS, a previous report showed
that NF-κB, which is classified as a ‘cell death inhibitor’, is
upregulated in motor neurons19. The upregulated NF-κB may
induce the overexpression of OPTN, and may also cause neuronal cell
death20. Thus NF-κB
is a major candidate target for treating this disease. Additionally OPTN
plays an important role in the maintenance of the Golgi complex, in
membrane trafficking, in exocytosis, through its interaction with myosin
VI and Rab8 (ref. 13), and in post-Golgi
trafficking to lysosomes dependent on the Rab8/OPTN/htt complex21
Fig. 8). Interestingly, FUS/TLS has been reported to interact with
myosin VI22 as
well as with myosin V23. Impairment of intracellular
trafficking of the complex including OPTN and/or FUS/TLS may cause
inclusions in this neurodegenerative disorder.
The study was approved by the
institutional review boards of the participating institutions. All
examinations were performed after having obtained informed consent from
all subjects or their families.
performed the clinical diagnosis. The mean age at onset of subjects with
ALS was 59.9 years (range 10–85 years, including 14 cases confirmed by
autopsy). The possibility of mutation of SOD1 was excluded.
for the mutation of OPTN
A list of PCR primer pairs used
to amplify individual OPTN in the regulatory regions (~1,000
bases upstream from transcription start sites), non-coding exons, coding
exons and the surrounding sequences (50–100 bases) of the exons or
intron 4 and 5 is provided in Supplementary
Table 4. Deletion of Exon 5 was checked by using exon 4 forward and
intron 5 reverse primer pairs. Direct sequence of the joining part was
performed by using intron 4-2 forward primer or intron 5-6 reverse
primer. Screening for the c.1502C>T mutation was performed by
analysing restriction-fragment length polymorphism or direct sequencing
on 781 healthy control subjects (mean age 62.3 years; range 30–100
years). Exon 12 was amplified and then restricted with MseI, and
thereafter the products were electrophoresed in 2% agarose gel. The wild
type was digested into 204-, 106-, 14- and 12-bp fragments, and the
mutant type (204bp)
into 169+35-bp fragments. The
c.1743A>G mutation was determined by direct sequencing. In the
Affymetrix Mapping 500K, there were 11 SNPs in the OPTN gene.
However, there are no SNP markers between exon 2 and exon 12 of OPTN,
and additional quantitative PCR analysis of all exons of the OPTN
gene was performed.
Luciferase assay
We investigated the
activity of NF-κB by using the luciferase assay. Four types of
complementary DNA (cDNA) from OPTN were inserted into separate pDNR
(Clontech). These were wild (IMAGE clone 3831267), Q398X (recessive),
E478G (dominant) and E50K (which causes glaucoma) types. pDNR vector was
used as mock. NSC-34 cells were co-transfected with NF-κB reporter
((Igk)3 conaluc plasmid) (a gift from S. Yamaoka) and
pDNR-OPTN by using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen). Luciferase activity
was measured 5h after
either PBS or TNF-α (10ngml-1,
R&D) stimulation by using a Dual-Luciferase Reporter Assay System
(Promega). Consistent results were obtained by conducting three
independent experiments.
Localization of OPTN
investigated the localization of OPTN by using a 3×Flag tag. This was
inserted into pcDNA3 (Invitrogen), and three types of OPTN cDNA (wild,
E478G, E50K) were inserted after the 3×Flag tag. These plasmids were
used to transfect NSC-34 cells with the aid of Lipofectamine 2000
(Invitrogen). GM130 (BD Transduction Laboratories) was used as a marker
of the Golgi apparatus.
Immunofluorescence microscopy
were grown on glass-bottomed glass dishes (Matsunami) coated with
poly-L-lysine and laminin (Sigma Aldrich) and transfected by
Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s
protocol; 24–48h after
transfection, the cells were fixed, blocked with normal serum and
incubated with primary antibody at 4°C
overnight. Confocal images were acquired with an Olympus FV300 by using
a ×100 oil immersion lens with a sequential-acquisition setting at a
resolution of 512pixels×512 pixels with threefold magnification. Each
cellular picture was generated by combining multiple optical images
(10–15 slices, z-spacing of 0.2μm) spanning 2–3μm along the z-axis. Subcellular localization
of Flag-tagged optineurin was verified by at least three independent
experiments. More than 100 cells were photographed for each optineurin
construct. The following antibodies were used: mouse monoclonal
anti-GM130 (BD Transduction Laboratories, 1:1,000) and affinity-purified
rabbit polyclonal anti-Flag (Sigma, 1:1,000).
Western blotting
investigated the expression of OPTN by western blotting. Cell lysates
were prepared from Epstein-Barr-virus immortalized B lymphocytes from
subject 3, her brother and mother, and subject 4 by using standard
protocols. Polyclonal antibodies recognizing the carboxy (C)-terminal
part of OPTN (Cayman Chemical) and anti-rabbit IgG-HRP antibody (R&D
Systems) were used. For the internal control, we used
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase polyclonal antibody (IMGENEX).
PCR with reverse transcription
Quantitative PCR with reverse
transcription was performed by using THUNDERBIRD SYBR qPCR Mix (TOYOBO)
and ABI 7900HT Fast Real Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems).
Epstein-Barr-virus immortalized B lymphocytes were treated with
cycloheximide (Sigma, 100μgml-1)
for 2h before RNA
Immunohistochemistry of mouse nervous tissue
antibodies were tested for their use in detecting mouse OPTN in tissue
sections (data not shown). Among them, rabbit polyclonal antibodies
raised against various peptides of human/mouse OPTN origin gave
consistent and reasonable results. One such antibody was OPTN-C raised
against the C-terminal part of OPTN, which is identical between human
and mouse (amino acids 575–591; Cayman Chemical). Immunohistochemistry
was performed on adult DBA/2 mouse. Mice were transcardially fixed with
4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, post-fixed in the same fixative overnight,
and then dehydrated in 30% sucrose in PBS overnight. Frozen sections
were obtained by using a cryostat and mounted onto
3-triethoxysilylpropylamine (TESPA)-coated glass slides. After
air-drying, the slides were washed in PBS and blocked for 2h at room temperature in 5%
BSA/0.3% Triton X-100 containing PBS. The sections were then incubated
overnight at 4°C with
primary antibodies against OPTN diluted in 1% BSA/1% normal goat
serum/0.3% Triton X-100/PBS. After several washes in PBS,
Alexa-594-conjugated secondary antibody (Invitrogen) in PBS was applied.
Pictures were taken with a camera attached to a fluorescence microscope
(BIOREVO BZ-9000; Keyence).
material from one of the OPTN mutant cases (subject 5) was available.
Sections (6μm) of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded spinal cord
were examined with Klüver–Barrera and haematoxylin and eosin staining.
Some sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin were photographed,
decolourized and immunostained with OPTN-C (mouse monoclonal, 1: 50,000)
or OPTN-I (rabbit polyclonal, Cayman Chemical, 1:400). In addition,
lumbar spinal cord tissue was obtained from clinically and
neuropathologically proven cases of SALS (seven cases) and familial ALS
with the A4V SOD1 mutation (FALS, three cases). Six age-matched
normal individuals served as controls. After confirmation of complete
removal of the OPTN antibody, we immunostained the same sections with
the anti-ubiquitin antibodies (mouse monoclonal, Santa Cruz
Biotechnology, 1:400; rabbit polyclonal, Sigma, 1:600), anti-TDP-43
antibodies (mouse monoclonal, Abnova, 1:1,000; rabbit polyclonal,
Proteintech Group, 1:4,000) or anti-SOD1 antibodies (mouse monoclonal,
Lab Vision Corporation, 1:50; rabbit polyclonal, Stressgen
Biotechnologies, 1:2,000).
Department of Epidemiology, Research Institute for Radiation
Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 734-8553, Japan
Hirofumi Maruyama,
Hiroyuki Morino,
Masaki Kamada &
Hideshi Kawakami
Department of Neurology, Kansai Medical University, Moriguchi
570-8506, Japan
Hidefumi Ito,
Yoshimi Kinoshita &
Hirofumi Kusaka
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Tokushima
Graduate School, Tokushima 770-8503, Japan
Yuishin Izumi,
Masaki Kamada,
Hiroyuki Nodera &
Ryuji Kaji
Division of Developmental Biology, Research Center for Genomic
Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Saitama 350-1241, Japan
Hidemasa Kato
Laboratory of Integrative Bioscience, Hiroshima University
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima 734-8553, Japan
Yasuhito Watanabe &
Toru Takumi
Faculty of Human Science, Hiroshima Bunkyo Women’s University,
Hiroshima 731-0295, Japan
Hidenori Suzuki
South Osaka Neurosurgical Hospital, Osakasayama 589-0011,
Osamu Komure
Department of Genetics and Cell Biology, Research Institute
for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
734-8553, Japan
Shinya Matsuura
Department of Neurology, Kobatake Hospital, Fukuyama 720-1142,
Keitaro Kobatake
Department of Neurology, Okayama University, Graduate School
of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama 700-8558,
Nobutoshi Morimoto &
Koji Abe
Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine,
Sendai 980-8574, Japan
Naoki Suzuki &
Masashi Aoki
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological
Hospital, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0042, Japan
Akihiro Kawata &
Takeshi Hirai
Department of Neurology, Haematology, Metabolism,
Endocrinology and Diabetology, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine,
Yamagata 990-9585, Japan
Takeo Kato
Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Shiga University
of Medical Science, Ohtsu 520-2192, Japan
Kazumasa Ogasawara
Division of Neuropathology, Department of Pathology,
Montefiore Medical Center, New York, New York 10467-2490, USA
Asao Hirano
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Saitama Medical
University, Saitama 350-0495, Japan
Koichi Hagiwara
Present address: Department of Neurology, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto 606-8507, Japan.
Hidefumi Ito
Author Contributions H. Kawakami designed and supervised the
study. H.Mo. and K.H. extracted candidate genes. H.Ma. and M.K.
performed sequencing analysis. H.Ma., H.Mo., Y.W., T.T., S.M., H.
Kawakami and H.S. conducted molecular biological analysis. H.I., Y.K.,
H. Ku., H. Kato, K.O. and A.H. performed pathological analysis and
provided pathological samples. Y.I., H.N., R.K., O.K., N.M., K.A., A.K.,
T.H, T.K., M.A., N.S. and K.K. collected clinical information and
samples. H. Kawakami, H.Ma., H.I. and K.H. wrote the paper.
Competing financial interests
The authors declare no competing financial
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Additional data
Editor's summary
Optineurin defects in ALS
About 10% of cases of the motor neuron
disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are familial, but the small
number of mutations so far identified account for only around 20–30% of
the those cases.…